The first year that Jasmine was with us was full of surprises. Some good, and some not so good. There was always someone in the house that would have a mysterious round red circle on their arm after holding Jasmine. You probably have guessed where I am going with this. Jasmine brought home more from the hospital than just her clothes. She also brought home a case of ringworm that did not want to leave. Just when it looked like it was gone, someone else would end up with it. It was the gift that kept on giving! It became somewhat of a joke in our house, waiting to see who the next victim would be. Jack even got one on his face, which for some reason really made me laugh! The sad problem was that she could not go to school until she was free and clear of all ringworm. Darn! I was so looking forward to sending her to school all summer. Sadly, Jasmine was not able to go to school ALL summer. I would take her to the doctor to have her cleared, and he would say,"Let's just wait a couple more weeks to make sure." I was more than happy to oblige. The only real problem was that it had gotten so bad on Jasmine's scalp, that I couldn't even apply the medicine because she had such a thick head of hair. The only way we were going to get rid of it was to cut off all her hair. So we did. I really didn't have a choice. It was to either have a full head of hair with polka dots all over her and everyone who came into contact with her, or a "crew cut" and clear skin. I opted for the second. I went to a beauty parlor by my Mom's, sat Jasmine on my lap in the chair, and they shaved off all her hair. She cried so loud that I think we scared off most of the clientele that was there, so they probably wouldn't be too thrilled if I ever tried to make another appointment. Now I was able to apply the medication to her scalp, and it slowly started to get better. When I brought Jasmine to my mother's, Jasmine's nickname went from "Jazzy" to "Florida". Apparently she was the mother on Good Times. It took a long time for her hair to grow back, hence a long time to lose her new nickname.