Jasmine started preschool towards the end of September. I had a very hard time sending her, because we had been inseparable for over a year, and I didn't want to lose that bond that we had formed. I cringed when the big yellow bus pulled up and lowered the chairlift down to receive her. The bus driver was very nice, and so was the bus aide. They reassured me that she would be fine, but I don't think I was even listening to them. Here was my little three year old going off to a strange place without me, and they really didn't know anything about her. Jasmine was strictly tube fed, and if the drip was not at the exact speed and it went a fraction of an inch faster, she would projectile her whole feed. She only cried when something was hurting her, and she loved to kick her feet to the music. Jasmine loved to be outdoors and startled easily. How were they going to be able to take as good care of her as me? I really hadn't needed to worry. They all welcomed her with open arms, and obviously had quite a bit of experience with children like Jasmine. Although each child is unique with their different set of problems, they quickly saw what Jasmine's set of needs were and met them every day. (with alot of frantic phone calls from me) Jasmine's preschool teacher's name was Miss Helen, and I owe much of Jasmine's progress to her and her staff of aides. Miss Helen treated all of her kids as if they understood everything, and if they didn't she took the time to try. During circle time when they would say The Pledge Of Allegiance, and sing You're a Grand Old Flag, there would be someone right beside Jasmine holding her hand over her heart for her and helping her to wave her flag.
The No Child Left Behind act was definitely followed there! The children went trick or treating on Halloween at a complex next to their school, and collected coloring books, crayons, and juice. They took them pumpkin picking and went on a hayride. They went bowling, ice skating, and a trip to the Mall to visit Santa Claus. I do admit that I didn't let her go on some of those trips unless I went because I couldn't bare the thought of her getting on yet another bus and going somewhere without me! I would meet them at the pumpkin patch and the mall, and enjoy the trips with her. I am sure that I was that overprotective "Mom", but I didn't care what anyone thought. My main goal was to make sure that Jasmine was a happy little girl, even if I had to make a fool of myself sometimes. When Jasmine went back to school, I returned to work. Jasmine would get picked up in front of our house, I would kiss her goodbye, jump in my car, go to work (which happened to be two minutes from her school) and get home right before the bus brought her home in the afternoon. If she was sick, I was just a stones throw away, and would pick her up and take her home. During her first year at school and me back at work, Jack was busy working and doing all the leg work for the adoption preparations.